What is Totipro® Probiotic Extract® (Postbiotics)?


What is Totipro® Probiotic Extract® (Postbiotics)?

Totipro Probiotic Extract® won the prestigious NutraIngredients award for the best nutritional health ingredients in 2023 and 2024. The product has undergone comprehensive efficacy and safety testing by a research and development team, and the manufacturing team has strictly controlled parameters, using ultra-heat treatment (UHT) to preserve the maximum fermentation essence. Compared to regular postbiotic products on the market, Totipro Probiotic Extract® features non-viable bacterial bodies and rich metabolic essences, with a golden ratio of combined strains that better simulate the human gut environment, making Totipro Probiotic Extract® more competitive in the market.



Exclusive Patent HeaLAC Thermal Lock Storage Production Process

During the growth and fermentation of probiotics, many small molecular nutrients are released, such as lactic acid, peptides, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, polysaccharides, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. By selecting a combination of functional strains and using the exclusive patented thermal lock technology, the nutritional essence and effective components of probiotics are completely preserved. This creates an optimal intestinal environment for probiotic colonization, maximizing the efficacy of the probiotics.


Totipro Probiotic Extract® Postbiotics Six Major Features

  1. High Safety: Non-viable bacterial products have high safety. Each batch is traceable and tested, passing comprehensive safety tests that meet global food safety and hygiene standards.
  2. Good Stability: The product undergoes three years of monitoring for key components, cell counts, and pH levels, ensuring stable and reliable quality.
  3. Rich Nutritional Substances: Contains various probiotic metabolic nutritional essences, extracted through patented thermal lock technology, with small molecular size for better absorption by the body.
  4. Wide Applicability: The product has high-temperature resistance, allowing it to be used with all probiotic products on the market and added to snacks for nutritional enhancement.
  5. Clear Usage Amount: Verified through a complete efficacy platform, establishing a recommended daily dosage.
  6. Multiple Patents and International Journal Publications: The product has patents in the United States, Taiwan, and mainland China, supported by PCT global patents for product efficacy.


Currently, Totipro Probiotic Extract® ingredients have been used in various dietary supplements. Research has confirmed that these postbiotics offer significant benefits for gut and oral health, greatly enhancing product value. The raw material has high stability, small molecular size, and can be quickly absorbed by the body. It is widely applicable, heat-resistant, and has no population restrictions, making it suitable for use in snacks and more closely aligned with everyday all-in-one supplements.

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